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compassion remains unlimited, freely moving forward like a stream we know not where from or to where ~ compassion is an expression of the Universal
it has it own momentum moment-to-moment like a stream adjusting naturally to conditions along its path
the stream along the way can meet with many objects yet finds its way spontaneously, in nonresistance
if the stream meets a boulder it moves around it, yet with it
for the nature of water, like compassion, is to touch all it meets
based on conditions, of stream and object, the meeting may be mild to boisterous
the meeting of stream and object provides the conditions for the nature of the meeting
in compassion, we need not think such graciousness is always polite, always gentle
that is, conditions arise when compassion may wisely manifest in any one of array of feelings
if sitting by the bedside of a dying friend compassion would manifests in accord with that condition
if a parent discovers his or her teen is selling drugs compassion would manifests in another modality
initially, we learn to express compassion by consciously seeking to wed wisdom and compassion ~ that is, we understand how we relate with others needs to be done with respect for the whole context in which we meet
later, seeking discernment moves to the background spontaneous compassion arising moves to the foreground
hence, returning to the stream, it has no agenda the stream is simply being a stream ~ there is nothing complicated about a stream, or compassion
the stream is not fighting anything in the path only moving in relationship with all
no, we cannot become a stream we can become streamlike moving along the Way
and, really, whomever and wherever we meet we are all in the same Way already in relationship by Nature
for Nature is relationship and compassionate is, therefore, our natural way of living together in-oneness
*Brian K. Wilcox. "Serene & Silent." Flickr.
*(C) Copyright 2018. Brian K. Wilcox. Move cursor over photos for more details.